English Around the World Series | Episode 2: Vondra in Belize
English Around the World - Belize - Vondra
- For Advanced Learners and Native English Speakers -
Welcome to Episode 2 of a series I’m calling English Around the World. I am your host and English teacher, Mike Butler. These episodes within the English Around the World series are going to look a bit different. They are for more advanced English learners, and for any native English speakers who are just curious about other accents around the world.
In episode 1 I spoke with Omar in The Gambia. I highly suggest that you go back and listen to that episode first. It gives you an idea of why I wanted to start this podcast series.
For today’s episode, I had a conversation with Vondra, from Belize.
Vondra's website is www.mybelizebox.com
Use the coupon code belizebox10 to get 10% off your order.
For the full audio transcript, go to: https://www.patreon.com/theenglishsessionsAny questions? Write in to the podcast, efteachermike@gmail.com. Go to our website for much much more content. www.englishsessionswithmike.com . You can help support The English Sessions. Go to https://www.patreon.com/theenglishsessions to make a monthly contribution. For only $1USD you will have access to the full audio transcript of this episode and much more, including English sessions with students, test preparation, and ad free versions of all of my podcasts episodes. Just go to https://www.patreon.com/theenglishsessions and sign up today!
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Go to the website, www.englishsessionswithmike.com for free lessons with me, Mike. That’s right, FREE. Free full lessons. I now offer free lessons to everyone. Inspired by the MOOC approach to online learning and dissemination of knowledge (MOOC stands for massive open online course), I have decided to offer sessions for free on my website. If you can afford to, you can leave a donation. More information about how you can leave a donation is also on the scheduling page of the website. Learning should be accessible to everyone, no matter what income you have. Our global economic structure is unfair and unequal. The only way we can make changes for the better is through education. Access to education and knowledge is vital.
One more thing, for all of the advanced learners out there, make sure to subscribe or follow Get the Word! with Mike Butler. Yes, Get the Word! is now its own podcast. You must search for Get the Word! separately now. There are episodes of Get the Word! on the new podcast that are not on The English Sessions. The Anchor page is anchor.fm/get-the-word
Thank you all for listening. Until next time, this is Mike signing off.
UPDATE: Vondra sent some Belikins in the mail to me. Order your own on her website. Look at the lovely box they came in!
Believe it or not there are some disc golf courses in Belize! Here’s one: https://udisc.com/courses/roatan-disc-golf-BXRs/photos