English Around the World Series | Episode 1: Omar in The Gambia

How you can help Omar's family: https://gofund.me/22bc874c

 - For Advanced Learners and Native English Speakers -

Welcome to Episode 1 of a new series I’m calling English Around the World. I am your host and English teacher, Mike Butler. These episodes within the English Around the World series are going to look a bit different. They are for more advanced English learners, and for any native English speakers who are just curious about other accents around the world.

For the full audio transcript, go to https://www.patreon.com/theenglishsessions

One more thing before I go. I mentioned how it’s a special time in The Gambia because of the Tobaski holiday. It’s also the rainy season in The Gambia, which can be good for farmers but not for those with leaky roofs. I’ve started a fundraiser to help Omar and his family to stay dry this rainy season. We’re collecting funds to help pay for a replacement roof for his family’s home. If you have any money to spare, please help us reach our goal. We are only $50-60 USD away from reaching our goal. The link to the GoFundMe page is in the description of this podcast episode. I get thousands of listens to this podcast every month from listeners all around the world. If just 60 of you were to spare just $1 USD each, we’d make our goal in no time. Consider it a personal favor to me, Mike! Thanks, everybody!

Any questions? Write in to the podcast, efteachermike@gmail.com. Go to our website for much much more content. www.englishsessionswithmike.com . You can help support The English Sessions. Go to https://www.patreon.com/theenglishsessions to make a monthly contribution. For only $1USD you will have access to the full audio transcript of this episode and much more, including English sessions with students, test preparation, and ad free versions of all of my podcasts episodes. Just go to https://www.patreon.com/theenglishsessions and sign up today!

Please rate and review The English Sessions on Apple Podcasts, or whatever podcast player you use. It really helps us a lot!

Go to the website, www.englishsessionswithmike.com for a FREE consultation with me, Mike. Do you want to talk to me about your English? I offer a free 30-minute consultation. That’s right, 30 minutes FREE with me, Mike. After that, I will be available to you for private lessons at a price that is affordable for you. We can discuss what you can afford together. I am here to help.

One more thing, for all of the advanced learners out there, make sure to subscribe or follow Get the Word! with Mike Butler. Yes, Get the Word! is now its own podcast. You must search for Get the Word! separately now. There are episodes of Get the Word! on the new podcast that are not on The English Sessions. The Anchor page is anchor.fm/get-the-word

Thank you all for listening. Until next time, this is Mike signing off.






Music in today’s episode can be found here: https://www.africanculturalencounters.com/ (masani_cissay_duet)

My friend’s website who documents sports around the world: https://www.globaltimoto.com/

Theme music attribution can be found elsewhere on the site.


  1. Hey Mike, fantastic presentation, and interview. As a native British person who has visited The Gambia and surrounding countries I learnt some things I didn't know from your podcast. Keep it up ! :)

    1. I'm so happy to see a comment left on here by you, Tim! Anyone else who sees this go to his great website. Tim documents sports and games from all over the world. I've included the link in the show notes on this page. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Tim!


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